High Mount

High Mount

by Kywan Gracie

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Providing a unique experience, the program goes beyond technique, with details, concepts and fundamentals.

High Mount

There are multiple types of mount in BJJ. In this program, Kywan Gracie teaches attacks starting from the high mount, which is characterized by a fighter sitting on the chest of another, with their knees going past the line of their opponent's armpits.

As they sit on the chest, the top fighter gets rid of the upa lever, which is the most common form of defense employed by fighters located on the bottom. Note that in order for the upa to be effective, it's necessary for the fighter on top to be sitting close to the line of their opponent's hips. So we can conclude that the high mount is an even more offensive version of the mount.

However, as they are attacked by the high mount, it's natural for your opponent to clam up more than usual. It's important for the fighter on top to know ways to properly spread their weight, reaching the collars to apply chokes or controlling their opponent's arms to achieve some sort of lock.

Kywan reveals shortcuts for you to finish via ezequiel, cross choke and armlocks. These are basic moves that are usually taught to beginners, but they require sophisticated adjustments and attention to subtle details so you don't lose the mount when trying to finish -- a frequent mistake even in black-belt matches.

Kywan's lessons are key to becoming an expert in the art of attacking from the high mount. Watch these videos repeatedly, and then try to put it all to practice at the gym. Oss!

Kywan Gracie

Kywan Gracie

Kywan Gracie Behring, 29, is a son of Marcelo Behring. Made black-belt by Roger Gracie, Kywan teaches BJJ in London and gives seminars on multiple continents. An extremely technical fighter, he has had some success in big IBJJF events.


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